Church of the Annunciation of Mary in Supetar
The parish church was built on a prominent position in the eastern part of the settlement above the early Christian basilica of St. Petra.
Part of the geometric mosaic of the northern nave has been preserved from the first church. The simple three-nave facade from the end of the 19th century has embedded parts of the sculpture of the builder Ivan Vitaljić from Komiža from the early 18th century.
The interior of the church is divided by stone pylons and covered with a flat ceiling and decorated with neoclassical stucco. A four-story stone belfry was built next to the church in 1861.
Tuesday, June 27 at 9 p.m. at the parish church
Don Pavao Gospodnetić, parish priest
Dejan Grepo - webLAB
Pero Dragičević, prof.
Parish card
Events for the week of 26.06.- 02.07.
Monday 26.06.
7 p.m. – Eucharistic Adoration
8 p.m. – St. mass
Tuesday 27.06.
8 p.m. – St. mass (Don Jakša Rubinić) presentation of the website, web application and platform for a virtual walk through the parish church
Wednesday 28.06.
8 p.m. – St. mass (Don Andro Ursić)
9 p.m. - presentation of Don Andro Ursić's book "In the jaws of the red dragon" the book is presented by Ivan Ugrin, Josip Jović, Zoran Bošković and the author Don Andro.
7:30 a.m. – morning St. mass
19 h – ST. MASS WITH PROCESSION (Don Ivan Brstilo)
Friday and Saturday St. mass at 7:30 a.m
Sunday 02.07.
St. masses at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m
Message from the Dicastery for Evangelization on the occasion of World Tourism Day 2023.
1. On September 27, we are preparing to celebrate the 44th World Tourism Day with the term "Tourism and green investments", proposed by the World Tourism Organization.
The Church, together with states, associations and numerous realities that fall under the tourism sector, wants to share this time of special commitment so that, based on the teachings of Pope Francis, it is possible to increase care for the created world, that important goal for people's lives, in a more effective and positive way.
Poruka Dikasterija za evangelizaciju povodom Svjetskog dana turizma 2023.
1. "Turizam i zelena ulaganja", tim se izrazom, koji je predlozila Svjetska turis-ticka organizacija, spremamo 27. rujna proslaviti 44. Svjetski dan turizma.
Crkva želi zajedno s državama, udrugama i brojnim stvarnostima koje potpa-daju pod turisticki sektor podijeliti ovo vrijeme posebnog zalaganja kako bi se na temelju uciteljstva pape Franjo moglo a djelotvorniji i pozitivniji nacin povecati skrb za stvoreni svijet, taj bitan cilj za zivot ljudi.
Odrziva ulaganja za skrb o stvorenom svijetu
2. U svojoj enciklici Laudato si' papa Franjo istice potrebu predanog zalaganja u korist odrzivih ulaganja: "Bilo je takoder nekih ulaganja u nacine proizvod-nie i transporta koji trose manje energije i iziskuju manju kolidinu sirovina, kao i u nacine gradnje i obnove grada koji ce poboljsati njihovu energetsku ucinkovitost. No jos uvijek smo daleko od toga da te dobre prakse budu Siro-ko rasprostranjene" (br. 26).
Poticati adr¿iva ulagania ujedno je svjedocanstvo za vieru u vidu postivania prirode, koju je Bog stvorio i nama povjerio. Naime, poruka o pa¿ljivom od-nosu prema stvorenom svijetu i njegovu oduvanju sadrzana je u samo Biblii.
Dovoljno je prelistati pre stranice Svetoga pisma pa da se jasno prepozna tu dimenziju. Bo¿je djelo stvaranja je, prije svega, izraz njegove ljubavi koja se Siri i koja zeli dostici vrhunac time da uklju& muskarca | zenu u isti projekt.
*Na svoju sliku stvori Bog covjeka, na sliku Bozju on ga stori, musko i Zensko stvori ih. I blagoslovi ih Bog i rece im: »Plodite se, i mozite, i napunite zem. liju, i sebi je podiozitel Vladaite ribama u moru i pticama u zraku i svim Zivim stvorovima sto puze po zemljil« I doda Bog: »Evo, dajem vam sve bilje $to se sjemeni, po svoj zemlji, i sva stabla plodonosna $to u sebi nose svoje sjeme:
neka vam budu za hranul«" (Post 1, 27-29).
Kršćansko gostoprimstvo
3. Krscanska zajednica izravno osjeca potrebu da promice susrete posvecene tim temama, posebno u ljetnom razdoblju kad ljudi, iz mnogih dijelova svije-ta, krecu a put radi odmora, boravka u prirodi i uzivanja u ljepotama umjet-nosti. Tesko je ne vidjeti u tome povlastenu prigodu za krscansku zajednicu ne samo da podr¿i razne organizacije dija je zadaca omoguditi da se vrijeme odmora iskoristi Sto bolje, nego ponajprije da izrazi osjecaj gostoprimstva koji karakterizira duh nash zajednica u snazi zivljene vjere. Turisti su posebno osjetljivi na to kako ih se prima. Oni odmah osjete primaju li ih domacini top-lo i srdacno ili je rijec o disto formalnom i ¿esto distanciranom doceku onih koji ih smatraju samo klijentima. U kulturnom okruzenju gdje ima ravnodus-nosti preko svake mjere od presudne je va≥nosti da krscani budu svjedoci gostoprimstva koje ce dati osobi da se osjeca godno i da iskusi bratstvo.
Provoditi vrijeme u razgovoru, zanimati se za to kako da odmor bude iskustvo mira, ublaziti formalnosti kako bi se uzelo u ruke evandelje ili Stiva koja bude zanimanje za molitvu i duhovnost, neki su od nakova koji daju smisao vre-menu odmora.
Odrziva ekonomija i ljudsko dostojanstvo
4. Pozornost prema storenom svijetu omogucuje kr$canima promicati ta-koder oblik ekonomije koji nema za cili maksimalizaciju profita $to cesto do-vodi do nasilja prema prirodi, s teskim posljedicama po dostojanstvo osobe.
Utrka za zaradom ne smije potamniti primat etike. Time se ne kani zaustaviti tehnoloski napredak ili ekonomski razvoj. Na pa¿nju i potporu odrzivim ula-ganjima, dale, ne smije se gledati kao na nesto sto predstavlja smetnju tom razvoju. Ona radije predstavljaju dugoro¿nu viziju koja otvara dugorocnim projektima, ne upadajuci u kratkovidnost neposredne zarade. Nunno je dati prostora kreativnosti narastaja kako bi se omogucilo ponovno otkriti dosto-Janstvo svake osobe. Naime, kao $to podsjeca papa Franjo u enciklici Laudato si': "vrjednije je, hrabro i odgovorno koristiti svoj um za promicanje odrzivog | pravednog razvoja u kontekstu Sire koncepta kvalitete Zivota" (br. 192). Na tom je put nadasve hitno da politika s uvjerenjem i povjerenjem podupire putove koje se otkriva, kako bi se mudro raspoznalo najprikladnije projekte koji imaju za cilj dobro sviju i povecavaju kvalitetu ¿ivota, posebno osoba ko je pripadaju najslabijim drustvenim skupinama.
Ulaganja i ocuvanje kulturne i duhovne bastine
5. Crkva je uvijek prepoznavala i podupirala vrijedhost i vaznost umietnos.
I, kulture i nihova ocuvanda kako bi omogucilit upoznavanje Boga lottos-nje krsdanskih korilena Zivim. Put lepote je sastavni dio nase postania navjescivanja evandelja i promicanja duhovnog rasta viernika. Zato je poi-rebno da ulagania ne budu usmierena samo na masovni turizam, kao mo-gute sredstvo Bubitka Kulturnog i Vierskog identiteta. Korisno je, naprotiv, dok se ulaganja koncentriraju a infrastrukture, unaprjedivati dostojanstvo svih dielatnika iz turistickog sektora, tako da pridonose povedanju kvalitete svoga rada i samog turizma. U parnji prema umjetnickim djelima, koja su vec stoljecima bastina covjecanstva i koja privlace turiste iz cijeloga svijeta, korisno je potvrditi da je njihova zastita zadada sviju i zato treba odlucno osuditi svaki oblik nasilja kojim se nasrce na njihove ocuvanje.
Odgovoran turizam za zajednicki dom
6. Ekonomija i ekologija uzajamno upucuju na "zajednicki dom" u kojem
›ivimo i za koji se svi, bez iznimke, trebaju osjecati odgovornima na nacin koil odgovara ulozi koju vrse i zanimanju koje obavljaju. Zagovaranjem vizi-je turizma koji postuje osobu i okolis tire se put shvacanju dobrote Oca koi svojom ljubavlju ide ususret svima. Djelatnici u turizmu imaju u svoilm rukama moguénost ponuditi korisne i djelotvorne prilike za ponovno otkri-vane drugadijeg odmora: odmora koji de biti vise u zaku solidarnosti, a manje u znaku konzumerizma; koji ce vise postivati prirodu i nati promat-rati ljepotu u njezinim mnogolikim izrazima. I odmor, dakle, moze postati poticaj za usvajanje ponasanja i nadina zivota koji pomazu iznova upraviti pogled prema Nebu, ponovno otkrivajuci dobrotu vjere, snagu ljubavi i sigurnost nade. Odatle svaki pojedinac mora krenuti iznova kako bi dao razlog za postivanje prirode i kako bi se predano posvetio cjelovitoj ekolo-giji.
Dielatnici u turizmu - vazan resurs
7. Hvala svim djelatnicima koji turizam cine svojim profesionalnim i pasto-ralnim izborom $to to predano zalaganje odrzavaju zivim, nosedi u srcu istu zelju pape Franje da se, takoder u pogledu iduceg redovnog jubileja 2025., ne zanemaruje promatranje ljepote stvorenog svijeta u brizi za nas zajedni-
¿ki dom, koji nam je Bog povjerio. Neka se zato priprava za iducu Jubilejsku godinu slavi i ¿ivi s tom pozornoscu prema stvorenom svijetu, odravajudi ävrstu nadu u zajednicko izgradivanje buducnosti.
Mons. Rino Fisichella
Proprefekt Dikasterija za evangelizaciju
Events for the week of 26.06.- 02.07.
Monday 26.06.
7 p.m. – Eucharistic Adoration
8 p.m. – St. mass
Tuesday 27.06.
8 p.m. – St. mass (Don Jakša Rubinić) presentation of the website, web application and platform for a virtual walk through the parish church
Wednesday 28.06.
8 p.m. – St. mass (Don Andro Ursić)
9 p.m. - presentation of Don Andro Ursić's book "In the jaws of the red dragon" the book is presented by Ivan Ugrin, Josip Jović, Zoran Bošković and the author Don Andro.
7:30 a.m. – morning St. mass
19 h – ST. MASS WITH PROCESSION (Don Ivan Brstilo)
Friday and Saturday St. mass at 7:30 a.m
Sunday 02.07.
St. masses at 10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m
Message from the Dicastery for Evangelization on the occasion of World Tourism Day 2023.
1. On September 27, we are preparing to celebrate the 44th World Tourism Day with the term "Tourism and green investments", proposed by the World Tourism Organization.
The Church, together with states, associations and numerous realities that fall under the tourism sector, wants to share this time of special commitment so that, based on the teachings of Pope Francis, it is possible to increase care for the created world, that important goal for people's lives, in a more effective and positive way.
Message from the Dicastery for Evangelization on the occasion of World Tourism Day 2023.
1. On September 27, we are preparing to celebrate the 44th World Tourism Day with the term "Tourism and green investments", proposed by the World Tourism Organization.
The Church, together with states, associations and numerous realities that fall under the tourism sector, wants to share this time of special commitment so that, based on the teachings of Pope Francis, it is possible to increase care for the created world, that important goal for people's lives, in a more effective and positive way.
Sustainable investments to care for the created world
2. In his encyclical Laudato si', Pope Francis emphasizes the need for dedicated efforts in favor of sustainable investments: "There were also some investments in methods of production and transport that consume less energy and require a smaller amount of raw materials, as well as in methods of building and rebuilding the city that will improve their energy efficiency. But we are still far from those good practices being widespread" (No. 26).
Encouraging sustainable investments is also a testimony to faith in the form of respect for nature, which God created and entrusted to us. Namely, the message about a careful attitude towards the created world and its destruction is contained in the Bible itself.
It is enough to flip through the first page of the Holy Scriptures to clearly recognize that dimension. God's work of creation is, first of all, an expression of his love that expands and wants to reach its peak by including man | woman in the same project.
*God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. And God blessed them and said to them: "Be fruitful, and be fruitful, and fill the earth." rain, and he gave himself dominion over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air and over all living creatures that crawl on the earth." And God added: "Behold, I give you all the plants that are seeded, on the whole earth, and all the trees that bear fruit in they carry their own seed:
let them be for you to eat"" (Genesis 1, 27-29).
Christian hospitality
3. The Christian community directly feels the need to promote meetings dedicated to these topics, especially in the summer period when people, from many parts of the world, travel to rest, spend time in nature and enjoy the beauty of art. It is difficult not to see in this a privileged opportunity for the Christian community, not only to support various organizations whose task is to enable the vacation time to be used as best as possible, but above all to express the feeling of hospitality that characterizes the spirit of our communities in the strength of a lived faith. Tourists are particularly sensitive to how they are received. They immediately feel if the hosts receive them warmly and cordially or if it is a very formal and often distant welcome from those who consider them only clients. In a cultural environment where there is indifference beyond measure, it is of crucial importance that Christians be witnesses of hospitality that will make a person feel welcome and experience brotherhood.
Spending time in conversation, being interested in how to make vacation an experience of peace, easing formalities in order to take the gospel or Steve into the hands of an interest in prayer and spirituality, are some of the things that give meaning to vacation time.
Sustainable economy and human dignity
4. Attention to the created world enables Christians to promote a form of economy that does not aim for profit maximization, which often leads to violence against nature, with severe consequences for the dignity of a person.
The race for profit must not obscure the primacy of ethics. This does not intend to stop technological progress or economic development. Attention and support for sustainable investments, however, should not be seen as something that represents an obstacle to that development. Rather, they represent a long-term vision that opens up long-term projects, without falling into the short-sightedness of immediate earnings. It is necessary to give space to the creativity of the generation in order to enable the rediscovery of the dignity of each person. Namely, as Pope Francis reminds us in the encyclical Laudato si': "it is more valuable, courageous and responsible to use your mind to promote sustainable and just development in the context of the wider concept of the quality of life" (no. 192). On this path, it is especially urgent that politics supports the paths that are being discovered with conviction and trust, in order to wisely recognize the most suitable projects that aim at the well-being of everyone and increase the quality of life, especially for people who belong to the weakest social groups.
Investments and preservation of cultural and spiritual heritage
5. The Church has always recognized and supported the value and importance of art.
And, cultures and their parents in order to make it possible to meet the God of the lottos of the Christian roots of Zivim. The path of beauty is an integral part of our mission of proclaiming the gospel and promoting the spiritual growth of believers. That is why it is necessary that the investments are not directed only to mass tourism, as a possible means of the Bubitka Cultural and Viernese identity. It is useful, on the contrary, while investments are being concentrated and infrastructures are being built, to improve the dignity of all workers from the tourism sector, so that they contribute to increasing the quality of their work and tourism itself. In pairing according to
works of art, which have been the heritage of humanity for centuries and which attract tourists from all over the world, it is useful to confirm that their protection is everyone's duty and that is why any form of violence aimed at their preservation should be resolutely condemned.
Responsible tourism for a common home
6. Economy and ecology mutually point to a "common home" in which
We live and for which everyone, without exception, should feel responsible in a way that corresponds to the role they play and the profession they perform. Advocating a vision of tourism that respects the person and the environment paves the way to understanding the goodness of the Father who reaches out to everyone with his love. Workers in tourism have in their hands the opportunity to offer useful and effective opportunities for rediscovering a different type of vacation: a vacation that will be more about solidarity and less about consumerism; who will respect nature more and observe beauty in its manifold expressions. Rest, therefore, can become an incentive to adopt behaviors and ways of life that help to direct one's gaze towards Heaven, rediscovering the goodness of faith, the strength of love and the certainty of hope. From there, each individual must start anew in order to give a reason to respect nature and to devote himself to a complete ecology.
Professionals in tourism - an important resource
7. Thank you to all the workers who make tourism their professional and pastoral choice. They keep this dedicated commitment alive, bearing in their heart the same wish of Pope Francis that, also in view of the next regular jubilee in 2025, the observation of the beauty of the created world in care should not be neglected. for us together
¿ki home, which God has entrusted to us. Therefore, let the preparation for the next Jubilee year be celebrated and lived with this attention to the created world, maintaining a firm hope in building the future together.
Msgr. Rino Fisichella
Proprefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization
Interactive map of the church
View the interactive map/floor plan of the Church of the Annunciation of Mary in Supetar.
By pressing the "Open" button, an interactive map of the floor plan of the church is launched, on which the markings of the exhibits in the interior and exterior of the church are visible.
Clicking on any mark of the exhibit opens a detailed description of the exhibit.
Exhibits are marked with different colors.
● Images
● Statues
● Fraternities
● Tombs
Virtual tour
After scanning the QR code next to the entrance to the church, the system for the Virtual walk through the church is started.
The application for Android or iOS opens to the user, and after pressing the "Start" button, the camera on the mobile device is launched to the user, which, after being directed towards the object/exhibit, provides information about it.
After pressing the More button, all other detailed information about the object/exhibit is displayed to the user, and there is also the possibility of recording a screen showing the information.